Company info
Company info is the most direct introduction to all the members who browse platform, which presents your company accurately and completely, and it also does help to attract the potential customers and cooperation opportunities.
Company Name
You should use a genuine and complete company name as registered on Commerce License while registering on
Business Type
Select at least one business type, which can be a limit of searching results decrease.
Main Export Area
Select at least one area that you export, which can be a limit of searching results decrease.
Quality Certificates
Select the following quality certificates you have, which can be a limit of searching results decrease. If you do not have one, please do not select.
Input at least 3 principal products or services as industry keywords, which contribute to your website optimization and should be set from most important to least.
Company Description
Provide with detailed information such as company history, achievements and so on, which will help purchasers have a deep understanding about your company.

You can sign in to "My account" to edit more company info, follow the steps bellow:
① Sign in to My Account
② Click "Member Info" on the top tool bar, then click "Company Info" of "Member Info" as sub-branch menu
③ Click "Modify Company Info" to edit your company info, click "submit" after changing